North Arlington, Nueva Jersey Borough of North Arlington Casarse, 29 Apr 2015 01:00:34 +0000 es hourly 1 COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Casarse, 29 Apr 2015 01:00:34 +0000 Leer más]]> El Departamento de Salud del Norte de Arlington, in conjunction with Community Blood Services, is sponsoring a Community Blood Drive on Thursday, June 4, 2015, desde 3:00 to 7:00 pm at the Senior Citizen Center, trasera del edificio del Departamento de Salud en el 10 Beaver Ave., No. Arlington.

Donors must be 17 to 75 años (16 with parental permission) and weigh at least 110 lbs. Some form of identification, such as a driver’s license, is required. Participants should eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before donating.

También, medications frequently taken by healthy individuals such as aspirin, thyroid, diabetic and blood pressure medications are not reason for deferral. All medications will be evaluated with the blood center staff prior to donating.

For further information, please call the North Arlington Health Department at 201-955-5695.

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HEALTHY FEET PROGRAM Casarse, 29 Apr 2015 00:56:05 +0000 Leer más]]> The North Arlington Health Department will host a free program “Healthy Feet” on Thursday, Abril 30, 2015, a partir de las 10:00 am in the Senior Center, trasera del edificio del Departamento de Salud en el 10 Beaver Ave., No. Arlington.

The presentation will be conducted by Dr. Christian S. Raymond, Podiatric Medicine / Surgery and Food and Ankle Specialist. Dr. Raymond, who is affiliated with St. Mary’s Hospital, Passaic, and Specialty Surgery of Secaucus, will also be offering the following services: nail clippings, orthotic fittings, treatment of painful bunions, callos, callos, wound care, and vascular conditions. Please bring insurance cards.

Take your first steps in keeping your feet healthy.

A light lunch will be served. Abierto a las comunidades de los alrededores. Es necesario estar registrado; please call the North Arlington Health Department at 201-955-5695.


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Free Tree Seedlings from the NJ Tree Recovery Campaign! Libre, 24 Apr 2015 02:42:16 +0000 Leer más]]> Celebrate Arbor Day and get your FREE TREE seedling at the Rutherford Community Garden, 280 Erie Avenue, Rutherford, on Saturday, 4/25 desde 9 am a 1 pm!
Take part in New Jersey’s Tree Recovery Campaign to help replace trees lost in the hurricanes, superstorms and snowstorms of the last few years.

There are a variety of 1-2 feet tall seedlings available on a first-come, first-serve basis, including Redbuds, Dogwoods, various Oak varieties, Ironwood/Hophornbeams, Basswood/Lindens and the evergreens Norway Spruce and Douglas Firs, among others. Help keep North Arlington green and beautiful!

Planting instructions are provided, but remember to research your species and consider the size of the tree when fully grown so that you plant in the right place, being mindful of overhead and underground utility lines and proximity to structures. Llamada 811 before digging!


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North Arlington Recycling Procedure Reminders Casarse, 22 Apr 2015 01:23:24 +0000 Leer más]]> North Arlington offers residents the opportunity to help minimize the amount of material sent to landfills through reducing and recycling waste materials. Below are two gentle reminders from the Department of Public Works:

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  • On commingled weeks no plastic bags are to be used. Material to be put out loose in a identifiable container marked recycling. Residents can purchase barrels from Borough Hall at $10 a piece.
  • Newspaper/Cardboard week no plastic bags are allowed. Residents must tie or consolidate newspaper with their cardboard. Next month residents can purchase 18 gallon containers for use to store newspaper, magazines and junk mail.

The Borough of North Arlington thanks you for recycling. Everyone should participate in order for the program to be successful. One person can’t save the earth, but we can all work together to make a big difference!


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CANCELADO: April 20th Planning Board Meeting Sáb, 18 Apr 2015 19:16:31 +0000 NOTICE: The Planning Board meeting scheduled for April 20th has been cancelled.


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North Arlington Public Library: Save the Date! Sáb, 11 Apr 2015 02:04:59 +0000 Leer más]]> SATURDAY, APRIL 18TH
10:00 AM a 1:00 Primer ministro
Visit the library for giveaways, music, refreshments and activities for children of all ages! There will be a craft at 12:00 Primer ministro, registration is not required!

9:00 AM a 11:00 Primer ministro
Supporting The Friends of the North Arlington Public Library
Barnes & Noble
Clifton Commons Rt 3 Oriente- Clifton, Nueva Jersey
Bookfair ID Number: 11577046

North Arlington Public Library 2015 Spring Flyer


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CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG – IT’S THE LAW! Colección, 09 Apr 2015 22:16:24 +0000 Leer más]]> The North Arlington Health Department would like to remind residents who are dog owners to curb their pets and clean up after them according to Board of Health Ordinance #3-74, Section 2, y Ordinance #13-75-80 stating enforcement by summons for any violations:

“No person owning, harboring, keeping, or in charge of any dog shall cause, suffer, or allow such dog to soil, defile, defecate on, or commit any nuisance on any common thoroughfare, sidewalk, passageway, bypath, play area, park, or any place where people congregate or walk, or upon any public property whatsoever, or upon any private property without the permission of the owner of said property. The restriction in this section shall not apply to that portion of the street lying between the curb lines, which shall be used to curb such dog under the following conditions”:

“The person who so curbs such dog shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such dog by any sanitary method approved by the local health authority.”

“The feces removed from the aforementioned designated area shall be disposed of by the person owning, harboring, keeping, or in charge of any dog curbed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, in a sanitary manner approved by the local health authority.”

For any questions or further information, please contact the North Arlington Health Department at 201-955-5695.


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Acceso de North Arlington para Todos comité celebra Reunión Inaugural Mar, 07 Apr 2015 17:03:09 +0000 Leer más]]> En Abril 1, 2015, Acceso de North Arlington Para Todos Comisión, dedicada a la promoción de mayores oportunidades y la accesibilidad para los residentes física y discapacidad del desarrollo de esa comunidad, celebró su reunión inaugural en el Centro de Mayores. Fair Lawn Mayor John Cosgrove and his Access For All Chair Marianne Pettineo were guest speakers. Cosgrove describe los tipos de actividades del Comité ADA muy activo en su comunidad se involucra en.

Los miembros del comité incluyen Debbie Wertalik, Christy Gilmartin, Angelique Hays, Noreen Hartnett, George McDermott, David Charowsky, Burt Hoyt y el Consejo de Enlace Tom Zammatore. Also on hand for this event were Mayor Joe Bianchi, FREEHOLDER Maura DiNicola y Steve Tanelli, Concejales En Grannell y Dan Ready y el Administrador Municipal Steve Loiacono.

Tras la presentación Zammatore agradeció alcalde Cosgrove por su disposición a ayudar al grupo North Arlington organizar. Mayor Bianchi did the same and thanked the committee members who have volunteered to serve.

A schedule of meetings and activities will be announced by the committee in the near future.

Después de la reunión, el grupo planteó bajo las luces azules del Centro de Mayores con de North Arlington Light It Up Azul La portavoz Christy Gilmartin y su hijo William para conmemorar abril como el Mes de Concienciación sobre el Autismo.


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AVISO PVWC PARA TODOS LOS CLIENTES: Posible agua turbia & Baja Presión Sáb, 04 Apr 2015 23:25:13 +0000 Leer más]]> La Comisión del Agua del valle de Passaic se presentará un proyecto de reparación estructural en nuestra Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Falls Poco que pueda afectar a los clientes dentro de nuestro sistema. La obra está prevista para el 07 de abril, 8º, y novena. Durante este período de tiempo, el agua se suministra a través de otras fuentes. This may produce discolored water or lower pressure at any time during the work period.

Passaic Comisión de Agua del Valle asegura a todos los clientes que el agua sea segura para su uso durante este periodo; no obstante, Se advierte a los clientes para determinar si el agua es clara antes de beber, or washing clothes or washing dishes as staining may occur.

Passaic Valley Water Commission regrets any inconvenience this may cause its customers.


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Departamento de Salud de North Arlington "Decisiones Nacional de Salud Día” Programa gratuito Colección, 02 Apr 2015 18:48:33 +0000 Leer más]]> AVANZADA DE PLANIFICACION DE CUIDADO

El Departamento de Salud del Norte de Arlington, en conjunción con Clara Maass Medical Center, llevará a cabo un programa gratuito, "Día de Decisiones Nacional de Salud: En caso de ...... ", el jueves, Abril 16, 2015, desde 5:00 - 7:00 pm en el Centro de Mayores, trasera del edificio del Departamento de Salud en el 10 Beaver Ave., No. Arlington.

Un experto Clara Maass Medical Center estará a su disposición para educar y capacitar a los participantes sobre la importancia de la planificación anticipada de la atención. Los temas que se revisarán son:

  • Persons who will make care decisions if I can’t.
  • The kind of medical treatment I want or don’t want.
  • How comfortable I want to be.
  • How I want people to treat me.
  • What I want my loved ones to know.

Clara Maass Medical Center ofrecerá proyección gratuita de la presión arterial y una cena ligera. Abierto a las comunidades de los alrededores. Es necesario estar registrado; please call the Health Department at 201-955-5695.


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